10236 Charing Cross Road, Los Angeles, USA
Bathrobe Hugh "Hef" Hefner (1926) is the founder and chief editor of Playboy magazine, surely a charismatic icon and spokesman for the sexual revolution. The original working title of Playboy was Stag Party. Also special nation versions of Playboy are published worldwide with nude (big boobs, small tits) pictures and editorial interesting topics about fashion, sports and liberal politics. Hef is managing a booming soft porn publication empire. He started this most famous men's magazine in 1953 with a $500 loan on his apartment furniture and printed the first nude pictures of Marilyn Monroe. The famous bunny logo appeared in issue number two.
Stag High Hefner himself married a couple of times but since 1999 began living with an ever-changing number of blonde girls, playmates and bunnies, whose ages range from 18-28 in the Playboy mansion. Always wanted to be a guest at one of Hugh's mansions parties?
The secret of the grotto revealed: inside the mysterious grotto you will find one very heavily used mattress. Where Frank Sinatra and Justin Timberlake are rumoured to have shagged sexy Playboy Playmates.
The Playboy Mansion will be opening up to the paying public, not sooner than after Hugh's death, as an erotic variation on Elvis' Graceland. So everybody has to wait, but till that time the reality show 'The Girls Next Door' will feature every aspect of Hef's high life with his three live-in girls Holly, Kendra and Bridget. SEX SIGHTSEEING
Hefner purchased the crypt next to Marilyn Monroe (1962), in the Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Westwood, California, 1218 Glendon Avenue in the Westwood Village area of Los Angeles, California, the Hollywood Hot Spot for the dead and famous!!  Hugh Hefner's high school: Steinmetz High School is located near Belmont and Narraganset, on Chicago's NorthWest side, 3030 N. Mobile Ave. Chicago The Sex and the City Girls Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda, four beautiful New Yorkers gossip about their sex-lifes (or lack thereof) and find new ways to deal with being a woman in the new millennium while living and working in Manhattan. In the series all the 4 girls are thirtysomething unattached singles looking for love and fun with gay friends, like Stanford in the Big Apple.
Next to Manolo Blahniks (Madonna- They last longer than sex) , these lovely friends made it acceptable to talk about, to make fun about and to show a big dose of sex in so many ways, shattering sex taboos. Like the spicy names of the episodes: the fuck buddy, old dogs, new dicks, sex and another city (cameo Hugh Hefner) are we sluts? and the man, the myth, the viagra (cameo Donald Trump). Sex in the City had (in total six seasons) 50 Emmy & 24 Golden Globe Awards nominations, winning 7 Emmies and 8 Globes. Carrie Bradshaw is a great sex columnist wistfully searching New York City for the perfect man, is it Mr (John) Big? Charlotte York fits the stereotype of a rich and conservative girl who dreams of finding a rich husband to take care of her. Miranda Hobbes, partner in New York law firm, has a cynical outlook of love and plays around. As for Samantha Jones, public relations executive, her sexual appetite has led her to live a rather promiscuous (once a lesbian relationship) but full life.
Just some of their girls-talk: I'm not going to replace a man with some battery-operated device. You haven't met 'The Rabbit.' Oh come on, if you're going to get a vibrator, at least get one called 'The Horse'. SEX SIGHTSEEING Charlotte bought her sex toy the Rabbit in The Pleasure Chest, 156 Seventh Avenue South New York, NY 10014 800.316.9222 Sex in the City tour, all the girls famous meetingplaces, 40 % discount on the Rabbit vibrator & 20% on other sex toys in the Pleasure Chest.  Hotel in New York: Hotel Elysee, Monkey Bar, 60 East 54th Street, Carrie and Big enjoyed some Cosmopolitans here. Hotel Venus (store), stylist of the Sex and the City girls, Patricia Field, 382 W. Broadway, New York, between Spring and Broome Sts. 212-966-4066 In the Church Around the Corner met Samantha "Friar Fuck," as she liked to call him. Friar Fuck is a Franciscan priest and after unsuccessful attempts to drive him to sin she still manages to have some (only in her mind) sex with him. "The Little Church Around the Corner, One East 29th Street (Between Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue) New York, Tel: 212 684-6770
In Paris, Carrie went sightseeing at the Place Saint-Sulpice. Check yourself in a romantic hotel in Paris. Greatest Lover Casanova
Giacomo Girolamo Casanova (1725-1798) was a famous Venetian decadent gambling adventurer, alchemist, writer and a great lover. He believed that lack of sexual activity causes illness!! He was capable of having sex anywhere, with anyone, in any position, he was one who enjoyed sex as much for pleasure as for seduction, not only to prove his virility. This most famous lover of all was using the condom as a birth control as well as against infection.
Casanova Casino's would be a great casino chain name, because this gambling man was as good in bed, as good with cards. Black Jack, Poker and some magic cards tricks which brought him into trouble. How many lovers he had (male and female, he was bisexual) is not known, but he was interested in quality as well as quantity. SEX SIGHTSEEING
In 1755, Casanova was convicted of witchcraft and imprisoned in The Leads for 15 months, a famous prison attached to the Doge's Palace. He managed to escape after a liaison involved a sodomite, called Camille and fled to Paris. Doge's Palace, Piazza San Marco, Venice, St. Mark's square. Private Casanova Walking Tour, Life & Times of Casanova, Aventure Bellissime Tours, 2442/A San Marco, Venice, Italy, Tel +39 041 5208616 Helmut Newton Passion Photographer Helmut Newton (born H. Neustädter) (1920 - 2004) was a well known fashion photographer, famous for his many nude studies of women with a heavy erotic charge.He worked extensively as a freelance fashion photographer and showed the exhibitionist side of fashion, produced fashion shoots and showed his talents in magazines such as Playboy.
He established a particular style marked by erotic, stylised scenes, often with sado-masochistic and fetishistic subtexts, stilleto high heels, with his 1980 "Big Nudes" series. Newton was free to explore obsessions: sado-masochism, lesbianism, pornography, violence and prostitution. He was killed by crashing into the wall of his favorite L.A. hangout, the Chateau Marmont, the stars scandal leading hotel. Famous for its John Belushi's overdose, drunken Jim Morrison balcony scenes and rendezvous' of the old stars Jean Harlow, Robert Mitchum and Greta Garbo.
SEX SIGHTSEEING CHATEAU MARMONT HOTEL LOS ANGELES, 8221 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, CA, USA, hotel reservations tel.: +1 323 656 1010; +1 800 242 8382 Museum of Photography, this building also houses the Helmut Newton Foundation, exhibition Helmut Newton - A gun for hire 2006, "A gun for hire" is how Helmut Newton sometimes used to describe himself. (He even was a gigolo in Singapore for some time).
Over 150 such photographs from the past two decades, including fashion photographs for Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Versace, Blumarine, Mugler and Voque. Jebensstraße 2, Berlin, Germany, Tel.: +49(0)30 - 266-2029 |